Text Editor for Event Espresso

Edit all your Event Espresso wording — without changing any code!

Do you have this challenge with Event Espresso?

You want to change the copy and wording in Event Espresso — but you don't know how to get in the code to do it. Do you need a developer's help for this? Not anymore!

The Solution Is...

You can quickly make edits to text inside Event Espresso with our plugin! In under ONE a minute, easily change your confirmation messages, thank you messages, any any button text, and wait messages—over 35 editable inputs are currently available to edit with our plugin.

Get Now!

Edit all your Event Espresso wording — without changing any code!

Do you have this challenge with Event Espresso?

You want to change the copy and wording in Event Espresso — but you don’t know how to get in the code to do it. Do you need a developer’s help for this? Not anymore!

The Solution Is…

You can quickly make edits to text inside Event Espresso with our plugin! In under ONE a minute, easily change your confirmation messages, thank you messages, any any button text, and wait messages—over 35 editable inputs are currently available to edit with our plugin.


Buy Now

Powerful Features:

Edit any messages that Event Espresso hard codes in their plugin from the convenience of your WordPress admin.

  • Upcoming Events H1 Text
  • “View Details” Button Text
  • Table Header (Price)
  • Table Header (Qty)
  • Ticket Required Text
  • Ticket Sold Out Text
  • Goes on Sale Text
  • “Register Now” Button Text
  • Tickets:
    Price Heading
  • Sale Dates Heading
  • Sale Dates Available Text
  • Sale Dates Goes on Sale Heading
  • Sale Dates Sales End Heading
  • Purchasable Quantities Heading
  • Purchasable Quantities Message
  • Purchasable Quantities Min Qty Label
  • Purchasable Quantities Min Qty Message
  • Purchasable Quantities Max Qty Label
  • Event Date Ticket Uses Heading
  • Purchasable Quantities Heading
  • Purchasable Quantities Heading
  • Sale Dates Access Heading
  • Access Option Text
  • Sale Dates Access Table Date Column
  • Sale Dates Access Table Ticket Sold Column
  • Sale Dates Access Table Tickets Left Column
  • Sale Dates Access Table Total Tickets Sold Column
  • Sale Dates Access Table Total Tickets Left Column
  • Registrer:
    Intro Paragraph
  • “Proceed to Payment Options” Button Text
  • “Please select your method of payment” Text
  • “Proceed to Finalize Registration” Button Text
  • Thank You Text w/ WYSIWYG
  • Confirmation Button Text
  • Waiting List Notice w/ WYSIWYG

Join the Largest Group on Users on a Ticket Management Plugin

Event Espresso is used by over 40,000 developers! Now these developers users can easily edit text without needing to dive into code.

Editable Input
EE 3&4 Compatible
Installed and Setup
< mins
This plugin could not be any easier! Event Espresso is great, but I don't have to bother developers now for little changes in text. The WYSIWYG is fantastic!
Piper Birdsong
Event Planer
35 editable inputs
1 year of updates
1 year of support
Use on 1 site
35 editable inputs
1 year of updates
1 year of priority support
Up to 5 sites
35 editable inputs
1 year of updates
1 year of priority support
Up to 25 sites

30 days money back guarantee.

Not sure if our plugin is for you? No worries, we offer a 30 day guarantee. All price options are billed yearly. You may cancel your subscription at any time. License needed for support and updates.


Yes, absolutely. It’s also required. 

Nope, you can use this even without coding skills. It’s created to help everyone edit Event Espresso.

Yes, it falls in line with any WordPress translation hooks. Would require a third party plugins to make this work.

You need a copy Event Espresso and WordPress. This plugin does not include the Event Espresso license.

The plugin is yours to use forever, however when the plugin expires you will no longer get support and updates without renewing.

35 editable inputs
1 year of updates
1 year of support
Use on 1 site
35 editable inputs
1 year of updates
1 year of priority support
Up to 5 sites
35 editable inputs
1 year of updates
1 year of priority support
Up to 25 sites

30 days money back guarantee.

Not sure if our plugin is for you? No worries, we offer a 30 day guarantee. All price options are billed yearly. You may cancel your subscription at any time. License needed for support and updates.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does this work with WordPress?

Yes, absolutely. It’s also required.

What version of Event Espresso does this work with?

EE 3&4 Compatible.

Do I need to be a developer to use this?

Nope, you can use this even without coding skills. It’s created to help everyone edit Event Espresso.

Is the plugin translatable?

Yes, it falls in line with any WordPress translation hooks. Would require a third party plugins to make this work.

What are the requirements for this plugin?

You need a copy Event Espresso and WordPress. This plugin does not include the Event Espresso license.

What license is the plugin released under?

The plugin is GPL 2.0. https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.en.html

Does the plugin expire?

The plugin is yours to use forever, however when the plugin expires you will no longer get support and updates without renewing.


  • You can find this on your Account Page in the first column of the Purchase History table.